WeakAuras Set Up


For this tab, I am not going to go into depth on how to manage the addons that you've installed to customize your user interface. That will entirely be on you to go through the settings and establish what you like and dislike about location, size, shape, etc. The idea is to make it your own.

Instead, I will be explaining how to use other websites and resources to help set up your character build, including a few of the ones I listed in my helpful addons tab.

So let's get started!

When you first install this addon, nothing should pop up after logging in. It will require a few steps before you are able to see anything that you import. However, when you are done, this can be one of the most powerful resources in your interface that helps track spells, abilities, cooldowns, timers, and just about anything else that you need to manage when questing or raiding.
Step 1: First, head to Wago.io and locate the "Weak Auras" button on the left side of the screen. After you click that, it will bring up a whole list of classes, dungeons, raids, general auras, etc. Your job is to locate the specific thing that you are looking for, whether it's resource management for a specific class, or helpful tools for a raid boss. For this, however, we are going to be importing class specific rotation helpers. In these pictures, I will be searching for a Death Knight weak aura.
Step 2: Once you locate the specific Weak Aura that you are looking for and follow the links to the final page, you will then look for "Copy WeakAura Import String." Click this, and you should get a screen prompt that says it was successfully copied.

Step 3: Open World of Warcraft and type /wa into the chat window. At the bottom of the list of options, you will see "Import." Click this, and then paste that previously copied string into the large empty box. Another box will pop up with a bunch of class specific text in it. All you have to do is click "Import Group" and it will automatically go back to the options window. At this point, you can either import another WeakAura string into your client, or just close out of the options window. If you got a rotation specific string, it will most likely only show up when you are in combat, and then disappear out of combat (unlike Hekili, which I mentioned in the helpful addons tab.)
Step 4 (Optional): The downside of WeakAuras is that you will need to keep going back to Wago.io and check if there are any updates to any Auras that you may have downloaded. This can become tedious if you have a lot of them. However, recently, a WeakAuras Companion app was created to scan your current Auras and will tell you if there are any available updates. After it scans, you should also be able to update it right there in the companion with just a click of a button.
